Graduation Ceremony of the Tech Expert:Apple Communication Hubs (T.E.A.C.H.4.0)
GreenTomato Academy (GTA) was delighted to attend the graduation ceremony of the Tech Expert: Apple Communication Hubs (T.E.A.C.H.4.0),...
Graduation Ceremony of the Tech Expert:Apple Communication Hubs (T.E.A.C.H.4.0)
UX UI Design Workshop Exclusively for Teachers
Exploring Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) Shaping the Future of Education Together
Mastering Competitive Advantage in the Digital Era to Create Future Employment Opportunities
Discover the power of ChatGPT for content marketing!
Applying Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) into Education for Improved Learning Outcomes
AiTLE x GTA:Exploring AI on education use and application