GAI has become an integral part of our daily lives, transforming various industries, including education. In order to empower educators to stay current with the latest technological advancements, we were delighted to be invited to organise a teacher seminar at Lingnan Hang Yee Memorial Secondary School on 20 November.
During this seminar, GTA alongside education partner Anthony Chan from EDGE, to lead 60 teachers in exploring the concepts and applications of GAI. Through the seminar, participating teachers gained deeper insights into GAI and learned how to effectively utilise text prompts to enhance their daily teaching practices.
We believe that the seminar has provided teachers with new inspiration and a better understanding of their own needs, enabling them to integrate these techniques into their teaching practices and create a brighter future for their students.
GTA is committed to exploring different possibilities with academic community. If you and your school are interested in our educational services or would like to obtain more information, please feel free to contact us.