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Youth Employment | GTA x St James’ Settlement | User Experience and User Interface Design

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As a partner of the St. James' Settlement Youth Employment and Subsidy Programme, 2nd Cohort UI / UX Design Training x Placement, GreenTomato Academy (GTA) joined forces with GreenTomato (GT) on February 4, 2023 to share information and insights on user experience (UX) and user interface design (UI) with 60 young people interested in entering or transitioning to the field. In the session, Louis, a senior UX / UI designer from GT, and Ocean, a project expert from GT, gave presentations on what UX / UI is, the latest industry trends, tips for becoming a UX / UI designer, successful interview techniques, and their own experiences. After the presentations, attendees had the opportunity to ask Louis and Ocean questions to gain a deeper understanding of the UX / UI industry, how to equip themselves for a career in UX / UI design, and how to join the field.

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To give attendees a hands-on experience of what it's like to work as a UX / UI designer, the session included a practical aspect. After the presentations and Q&A, attendees participated in a selection-based session where they applied their newfound UX / UI knowledge. The questions covered various aspects of UX and UI and the attendees were eager to share what they learned and their own thoughts. Louis provided in-depth explanations for each question, helping the attendees gain a clearer understanding.


After the selection-based session, attendees also had the opportunity to experience Figma, a tool used by UX / UI designers. With Louis' guidance and demonstrations, they worked on creating their own product prototypes. This experience not only introduced attendees to UX / UI design tools, but also gave them a preliminary understanding of how Figma works.

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It is hoped that this session and experience will deepen attendees' understanding of the UX/UI industry, how to become a UX / UI designer, and the day-to-day work of UX / UI designers, giving them a solid foundation for their future careers. If you wish to join the program of Futuremaker Frist Job, please enroll here before February 12, 2023. If you are interested in UX UI Design Bootcamp provided by GTA, you may visit here and contact us to get more information.


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